Setting default column width in mac finder window
Setting default column width in mac finder window

setting default column width in mac finder window

Add the Path Bar: The Finder can add a path bar at the bottom of all Finder windows that displays the path taken to the current folder.There are a number of ways for the Finder to reveal the path taken to where you are. When you’re using the Finder to drill down through multiple folders it’s easy to get lost, not able to easily tell exactly where you are in the file system. You can also exit the slideshow by hitting the Esc key on your keyboard. You’ll also see a set of on-screen controls, including arrows to move forward or backward through the images, a play/stop button to automatically move through the images, an index sheet button that displays all the selected images as a contact sheet, a share button, an exit to full-screen button, and a close button.


The Desktop will fade away replaced by one of the images shown full screen. With the image files selected, hold down the Option key, then with the cursor positioned over one of the file names, press the space bar. Start by selecting a number of images in a folder. Quick Look also has a slideshow feature that allows you to view multiple selected image files in a full-screen slideshow.

setting default column width in mac finder window

The Mac’s Quick Look feature, which allows you to view the content of a file without opening its associated application, can be very handy for checking what’s in a file before you open it. Tip: Merging multiple windows into one will work for most apps that adhere to Apple’s UI standards. You can consolidate multiple open Finder windows into Finder tabs using the Windows menu. Now all those Finder windows are consolidated into one. From the Finder menu, select “Window > Merge All Windows.” You can merge all those individual Finder windows into one, with tabs for each. But there always comes a time when the desktop is too crowded. You can switch between them by just clicking on the appropriate tab in the Finder’s tab bar.įinder Tabs are very useful, but I tend not to use them often because I prefer individual windows.

setting default column width in mac finder window

Ever since OS X Mavericks, the Finder has supported tabs, the ability to show multiple Finder displays in one Finder window. If you tend to have multiple Finder windows open, and they are severely cluttering up your Desktop, you may find this simple trick handy. Tip: Even if the separator icon isn’t present, you can usually drag or right-click the dividers by the thin line. Try changing the scroll bar preferences between “Automatic based on mouse or trackpad,” “When Scrolling,” and “Always,” to see how it affects the look of the column dividers. Note: Don’t see the column separator icon? It may be because of the scroll bar settings in the General preference pane. The separation icon shown inside the red box, and the menu options when right-clicking the icon. Right-click the column separator icon and select from one of the options: Here are a few more tricks for adjusting the columns…

  • Hold down the Option key when dragging a column and all columns in the same Finder window will be adjusted at the same time.
  • Double-click the separation icon to have the column automatically expand to show the longest name without truncation.
  • You can drag the column separator to increase or decrease the width of the column.
  • At the bottom of the column divider, you’ll find a small separation icon (two vertical parallel lines).
  • There are several ways to adjust the column width: When viewing a Finder window in the column view, you may discover a column width is too small to allow a file or folder name to be displayed without truncation. You can try out each of these Finder tips, and with any luck, one or more of them will be useful and help you streamline how you work with your Mac. They can help alleviate annoying issues, such as file names that are too long and become truncated in a window, or help you keep your files better organized. These tips are the ones often used in our household. The Finder, of course, is the main way you find, organize, and make use of files on your Mac. They may not all be fantastic, but these 10 Finder tips can help you become a master of Finder finesse.

    Setting default column width in mac finder window